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Welcome to our Resurrection University semesters page. Below you will find access to all of our past semesters at Resurrection University, including both the lessons and the corresponding notes. Currently, Resurrection University is in a series titled Bioethics 101: Preserving Human Dignity.

Author and Professor David Vandrunen writes, “… the harvest of new medical technology in the past generation has brought issues of [bioethics] to a level of difficulty, importance, and promise never before seen in human history.” We all exist within a technological golden age, rivaled by no other generation. Technology advances at a pace unprecedented since its inception by the sons of Cain. Unfortunately, this has precipitated a problematic consequence: our advances have outpaced our theology. This is nowhere more true than in the world of medicine and health. From abortion, to gene editing, to cloning, what seemed at one point unfathomable and borderline fiction has become an ever-increasing reality. The Christian, therefore, must take up the responsibility of installing our theology in the world of bioethics, asking “just because we can, does it mean we should?” This series will tackle this question while presenting a Christian approach to bioethical challenges - challenges every one of us will face. Therefore, the question isn’t if we will be affected by bioethical issues, but how we will respond when said issues do occur

Interested to learn more? Come on out Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 7:30pm and enjoy great food, fellowship, worship and teaching. See you there!

Resurrection University Semesters

Do you love Resurrection University and want more resources? Did you miss a teaching and want to know where you can go to watch it? You’re in the right place! Welcome to the Resurrection University Semesters page. Below, you will find all available content from current and former semesters, as well as the corresponding notes.

Resurrection University 2022


Discipleship 101

A series dedicated to developing a comprehensive understanding of transformative, effective, and - most importantly - Biblical discipleship


Hermeneutics 101

A study in hermeneutics to inform, instruct, and guide on how best to read God’s Word with confidence, competence and humility.



A series through the book of Colossians, wherein we apply a 6-step hermeneutical process covered in the Hermeneutics 101 series.


Techne 101

Technology is everywhere, and in our pursuit to live as Christ lived, we need to be sure we learn to view technology through a theological lense.

Resurrection University 2023

Apologetics 101

Our faith is a reliable one. In this series, we will be taking an introductory look at the evidences and arguments that undergird Christianity.


Theodicy 101

There is no denying that evil exists. However, we can deny that the fact that it exists disproves the existence of a loving and good Savior.


Outreach 101

We’ve answered hard questions and provided a defense of the faith. But what good are answers if we are never around those who have the questions?


Apologetics 201

With the foundation of our faith firmly before us, this series will begin to answer the question “What about other faiths?”


Prayer 101

Prayer is a central practice in the life of the Christian. This series will examine prayer from a methodological and theological perspective.

resurrection university 2024

Anthropology 101

Humanity has been “disenchanted.” By observing a Christian anthropology, we join in God’s work to “reenchant” humanity.


Intimacy of God 101

Our salvation made a way for us to live with God. Why do we insist on any other form of intmacy?


Shame 101

The rival story that calls into question our intimacy and identity is shame. In order to treat this condition, we need Gospel truth.


Bioethics 101

Has developments in medicine and health outpaced our theologizing? Join us on Wednesday as we answer this question and seek Christian answers to bioethical issues.