Resurrection University Semesters
Welcome to our Resurrection University semesters page. Below you will find access to all of our past semesters at Resurrection University, including both the lessons and the corresponding notes.
Currently, Resurrection University is studying Spiritual Warfare 101. Justin Peters once wrote “Few areas of the Christian life are more misunderstood than that of spiritual warfare.” From bad Hollywood depictions to even worse theology, we’ve all fallen victim to the hyper-sensationalism typically affiliated with spiritual warfare. When you hear the expression “spiritual warfare” perhaps something specific comes to mind for you – things like praying hedges of protection over our homes, breaking generational curses in our families, exorcising demons, mapping the spiritual realm, and rebuking demonic activity in the name of Jesus. We assume these are thoroughly biblical, necessary practices that we overlook to our own peril. However, is this an accurate assessment of what Scripture says about spiritual warfare? Are these practices necessary or prescribed? This series will set out to answer this question, correct the errant theologies that are not based on Scripture, and recenter the Word of God as the primary source of intel in our battle against the enemy.
If you are interested in joining us next year for Resurrection University, plan to come out every Wednesday night from 5:30 to 7:30pm and enjoy great food, fellowship, worship and teaching.
Resurrection University Semesters
Do you love Resurrection University and want more resources? Did you miss a teaching and want to know where you can go to watch it? You’re in the right place! Welcome to the Resurrection University Semesters page. Below, you will find all available content from current and former semesters, as well as the corresponding notes.
Resurrection University 2022