recent sermons


To listen to the sermons of Resurrection Church, you can select them based on the series listed below. New sermons are uploaded on Mondays and are available for download so you can listen on the go. The three most recent series are available on this page, past sermons will be available in the archive page.

Listen to the most recent sermon here!

FAct Check - Fear | Anxiety | Confusion | Temptation

How do we deal with the very real and human experiences of Fear, Anxiety, Confusion and Temptation? How do we FACT Check those emotions, and make those too, captive to Christ?

A Story of Radical Grace

You know the story of the fish, but this tale is so much more than that. Join us as we explore the radical goodness of God’s grace and sovereignty throughout the story of the prophet Jonah.

The ARmor Of God
Ephesians 6

The Belt of Truth, TheBreastplate of Righteousness, Good News Shoes, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of the Spirit and Prayer.
Ephesians 6:10-20


To watch the full service please visit the Resurrection Church YouTube page where each service is available for viewing.