Discipleship 101: Nourishing the Soul
…is a series that is dedicated to increasing our understanding of what it means to be a disciple. It is the conviction of Resurrection University that the way that this is best done is by implementing the methodologies behind effective counseling. In this 7 part series, we will define discipleship, observe counseling methodology, and blend the former and the latter for a comprehensive understanding of transformative, effective, and - most importantly - Biblical discipleship
All of the lessons and the corresponding notes can be found below. (Original air dates: 01/19/22-03/02/22)
Discipleship 101, Part 1 - What is Discipleship?
In order to establish the Discipleship 101 series, we need to first define and agree upon the idea of discipleship. This will include sourcing its etymology, tracing the origin of its definition, and properly situating it in our church context.
Discipleship 101, Part 2 - The Profile of a Disciple
As we survey the idea of a disciple, we are naturally going to ask, who is qualified to be a disciple? Part 2 of our series is dedicated to outlining the profile of a disciple, namely what characteristics and behaviors are Scripturally prescribed to the disciple.
Discipleship 101, Part 3 - Methodology: Empathic Presence
In order to become effective disciplers in an ever-changing world, those who disciple must be ready to give council by being empathically present. Therefore, effective disciple making begins with stepping into the context of the other (empathic) and knowing how to engage the other with our whole self (presence).
Discipleship 101, Part 4 - Methodology: Active Listening
A fundamental part of being present with the other in the discipleship context is being able to listen actively. To listen well means the discipleship relationship goes unhindered, as needs, bad theology, and assumptions about God can be confronted, corrected or encouraged.
Discipleship 101, Part 5 - Methodology: Empathic Responding
In the discipleship relationship, being able to speak the concerns, struggles and pains of the other not only affirms that the discipler has been listening well, but it helps the discipled understand that they are not alone in their walk
Discipleship 101, Part 6 - Methodology: Probing
Because discipleship addresses the innermost parts of the individual, it will be difficult at times for those being discipled to talk about certain problems, issues or sins in their lives; sins that are often responsible for hindering spiritual and emotional maturation. Probing confronts those issues and sins.
Discipleship 101, Part 7 - Methodology: Self-Challenge
Because discipleship is holistic transformation, this demands that the entirety of the disciple – every success, failure, struggle, sin, pain and emotion – be laid before the throne of God. This is difficult work, warranting this practice of self-challenge as a means to act as one part of God’s crucible in the life of the disciple.