Techne 101: A Theology of Technology
Technology is both inevitable and unavoidable, but this is not because it is fueled by man’s depravity but by God’s sovereign preordination of all technological innovation. However, technology – like all of creation – has been subject to the Fall. As Christians, therefore, we bear the responsibility of leading lives informed by both the potential and threats of technology, which necessitate that we approach innovation with discernment informed by Scripture. Techne 101 is a series dedicated to formulating and applying a Scripturally informed theological lense by which we can faithfully utilize the technology God patterned into creation while maintaining a wary eye on its capacity for misuse and idolization
All of the lessons and the corresponding notes can be found below.
Techne 101, Part 1: origin and sovereignty
In order to properly introduce our theological journey through technological innovation, it is important to realize to Whom technology belongs, both in terms of origin and sovereign subsistence.
Techne 101, Part 2 - Technological Ethics: Good and Evil
As we continue to let the Bible inform the lense through which we see technology, the story of the Ark and of the Tower of Babel will help us see that God is not threatened by technology, nor is He dependent on it. Rather, He has seen fit to use it to accomplish his purposes.
Techne 101, Part 3 - Technology and the Christian Life
We continue our journey of tracing themes of technology through Scripture with the story of David and Goliath, where we will see that when it seems like technology is prevailing over God because men are evil, know that God’s purposes will prevail.
Techne 101, Part 4 - Technology and the Eschaton
The fourth passage we will look at as we formulate a Biblical theology of technology is the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18, where we see that if the chief end of technology does not serve the chief end of man, it will swiftly end at Babylon.
Techne 101, Part 5 - Social Media: The Search for Significance
To start our practical study of technology, we will look at social media, and that if our vine is digital ecology, it will usurp our Christ-centered theology. But, with the gospel defining our story and Christ as our vine, it will transform our digital ecology.
Techne 101, Part 6 - Entertainment: Experiential and Participatory
Next in our practical observations of technology, we will look at entertainment with the intention of developing a critical eye in our content consumption. Without a critical eye, we run the risk of being ruled by the entertainment we experience and in which we participate.
Techne 101, Part 7 - The Problem of Immediacy
Lesson 7 begins to engage with the spiritual essence present in technology, specifically the doctrine that it teaches us - what we call the doctrine of immediacy. Our premise that we will explore is that if immediacy is how we operate, our spiritual depth evaporates.
Techne 101, Part 8 - The Problem of Dependency
Part 8 continues the exploration of the spiritual essence present in technology, specifically what happens when we let it fill our eternal longing - dependency. Ultimately, as believers, we must not search to fulfill our God-given infinite longing in finite things, lest we become dependent on those things.
Techne 101, Part 9 - Fake News vs. Good News
As we continue in our assessment of technological innovation and how our worldview either effects technology or is infected by technology, news distribution is essential in our assessment. News has become increasingly partisan, highly filtered, and largely unreliable. How do we respond?
Techne 101, Part 10 - “The Seventh Kingdom”: Technology and Bioethics
Part 10 of our series seeks to explore the intersection of technology and Christian bioethics. In short, technology asks, “can we?” while Christian bioethics asks, “should we?” It is essential as innovation continues that it does not outpace our ethical consideration.
Techne 101, Part 11 - “The New Greek”: Using Technology for Good
As we wrap up our series, part 11 of Techne 101 will look at the using technology for great good - namely, that the Gospel would be proclaimed. In doing so, we will look at Paul at the Areopagus to learn how we can best use technology - specifically the social spheres - to disseminate this good news.