Prayer 101: A Theology of Prayer
Because Prayer is one of the ministry priorities for Resurrection this year, this series will be dedicated to helping us glean a better understanding of how prayer works and how we can best implement prayer patterns into our lives. Using the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication), we are going to not only guide students through a pattern of prayer, but also observe what is truly happening within each step of the model. The hope is that through this short, 4-week series, we will walk away with a humble yet confident understanding of what happens when we commune with the father and why it is mandatory that we pray to him.
All of the lessons and the corresponding notes can be found below.
Prayer 101, Part 1 - Adoration
We begin with a lesson that introduces the series, introduces the ACTS model, and then progresses through what it means to feature adoration in our prayer. We do not need to look long in the Psalter to concede that adoration serves a central role in Scripture’s understanding of prayer. What does it mean that we adore God? Why is it important that we render unto him the adoration due his name in our prayer?
Prayer 101, Part 2 - Confession
If the prayer of adoration speaks what is true about God, then the prayer of confession speaks what is true about us. In today’s lesson, we will survey why it is vital that confession be part of our prayer lives. It isn’t for God’s benefit - as if we must inform him of the sins he somehow cannot see. Rather, it is for our benefit, that we might be reminded anew the wonder of the gospel of hope, secured through Christ Jesus by his blood.
Prayer 101, Part 3 - Thanksgiving
This week’s lesson observes the third letter in our four-letter prayer paradigm - T, which stands for Thanksgiving. The act of giving thanks in prayer is essential, as we will see by means of our passage in Philippians 4:4-7. Ultimately, when we pray gratitude, we solemnly commit to recognizing all that God has already done for us before we petition that he would do more. Walking through the door of gratitude prior to petition creates within us a heart that is willing to trust the God who is infinitely trustworthy, regardless of the answer to our petitions. Thanksgiving is an exercise in rightly orienting our hearts to receive.
Prayer 101, Part 4 - Supplication
In our final lesson on prayer, we will cover the last letter of our ACTS paradigm - S, which stands for supplication. In our time together, we will seek to better understand what supplication is, learn at the feet of Jesus who calls us to “ask” of the Father, and observe some of the beautiful and mysterious inner workings of supplication as it relates to the will of God. Ultimately, we will insist that it is God’s perfect will that he would respond to the petitions of an imperfect people, and that God has meticulously created a perfect system in which it is his unchanging nature to answer the petitions of everchanging creatures.