Insufficient Saviors — Resurrection Church

The big themes of Judges surround the high cost of idolatry and unfaithfulness, as well as the ever-present faithfulness of God in spite of the failures of His people. The book of Judges points our hearts to hunger for a real king, a faithful king who leads in righteousness and justice. Judges doesn’t shield us from the hard truths of the wages of sin. Difficult though it may be to face, Judges shows us what happens when we stray from God, when we do things our own way, and when we trust in human wisdom and might over God’s goodness and sovereignty.

 Insufficient Saviors - The Cost of Overconfidence

Insufficient Saviors - The Cost of Overconfidence
James Maxwell

 Insufficient Saviors - The Good Judges

Insufficient Saviors - The Good Judges
Pastor Bryan Shore

 Insufficient Saviors - Deborah and Barak (Mother’s Day ‘23)

Insufficient Saviors - Deborah and Barak
Pastor Bryan Shore

 Insufficient Saviors - Jael (Deborah’s Song)

Insufficient Saviors - Jael (Deborah's Song)
Noah Lewis

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 1

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 1
Pastor Bryan Shore

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 2

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 2
James Maxwell

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 3

Insufficient Saviors - Gideon Part 3
Pastor Bryan Shore

Insufficient Saviors - Abimelech’s Legacy

Insufficient Saviors - Abimelech’s Legacy
Pastor Bryan Shore

Insufficient Saviors - Jephthah’s Deadly Error

Insufficient Saviors - Jephthah’s Deadly Error
Pastor Jake O'Marrah

Insufficient Saviors - Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon

Insufficient Saviors - Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon
Dan Leffingwell

Insufficient Saviors - The Birth of Samson

Insufficient Saviors - The Birth of Samson
James Maxwell

Insufficient Saviors - Samson Part 2

Insufficient Saviors - Samson Part 2
Pastor Bryan Shore

Insufficient Saviors - Samson Part 3

Insufficient Saviors - Samson Part 3
James Maxwell

Insufficient Saviors - A People With No King

Insufficient Saviors - A People With No King
Pastor Bryan Shore

Insufficient Saviors - The One True Judge & King

Insufficient Saviors - The One True Judge & King
Pastor Jake O'Marrah